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08/12/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall
Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Interim Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, citizens, members of other Boards and Commissions and members of the press.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro to approve the following minutes as written:
Town Council Regular Meeting, July 8, 2008 – Voted (7-0)
Town Council Special Meeting, July 8, 2008 – Voted (7-0)
Town Council Special Meeting, May 12, 2008 – Voted (5-0-2) Mr. Cordeiro and Mr. Goff abstained.
Town Council Special Meeting, May 27, 2008 – Voted (6-0-1) Ms. Weintraub abstained.

Public Remarks:
Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked that the Council outline the compensation plan for Mr. Drewry.  Ms. Engel noted that she would outline the details later in the evening.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, noted that the public cannot comment if they don’t know the details of the compensation plan.

Ms. Engel reported that the Town Council has agreed to provide medical insurance for Robert Drewry and his spouse from the date of his retirement, December 26, 2008, through December, 2010, when he will be eligible for Medicare.  The Town Council has also agreed to give Mr. Drewry an additional 2 weeks of vacation time.  The total cost for this package is $41,905.51.  Ms. Engel noted that this is far less than what would have been paid for a professional interim town manager.

John Jordon, 11 Clearwater Lane, also Vice Chairman of the Lake Commission, noted that they will be holding a seminar on August 21st at 6:00pm (rain date August 27th) at the Pavilion at Sears Park.  There will be a 2 boat rides.  Local store owners have been very open to advertising this event.

Chairperson Engel read a letter from Nancy Stickler regarding a general complaint against the police department.  The complaint will be given to the Police Chief.

Old (Continued) Business:
A.      Police Chief Update on Training:  Chairperson Engel reviewed a memo from Chief Reimondo regarding upcoming community policing professionalism training courses for the police officers.

B.      Clean Energy Task Force:  Mr. Tuttle reviewed a list of residents that are interested in being members of the Clean Energy Task Force.  He provided a brief background of each person.  He is hopeful the Council will approve the members so that they can meet and form goals and a mission statement.  Mr. Minnick would like the goals and the mission statement to review prior to voting on the membership.  Mr. Tuttle will present the mission statement at the next Council Meeting.  Mr. Minnick also reiterated the town’s clean energy purchase requirements.

C.      Commission on Aging Discussion/Decision:  Chairperson Engel reviewed a draft copy of the ordinance for the Commission on Aging.  Changes from Attorney D’Aquila and Jo Ann Ewing are included in the copy. A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to send the ordinance for the Commission on Aging to a public hearing on September 9, 2008.  Voted (7-0).  Mr. Goff noted that we have already received some applications for this Commission.

D.      Lake Education and Awareness Update:  Chairperson Engel displayed a banner, flyer and lawn poster that will be distributed throughout town and at the kickoff of the education campaign at the boat parade at Angelico’s on Saturday, August 16th.  Soil test kits and t-shirts will also be given away at the boat parade.  Parks & Recreation has also received a request from a teacher at Center School to incorporate the education into her science class.

E.      Mother Board Report:  Chairperson Engel noted that the Mother Board meeting was very well attended.  Jim Carey discussed the Plan of Conservation & Development, challenges for the future of the town such as affordable housing and water. There will be another meeting in January.  The sewer density bonus, centralized water update and the HomeCT program will be discussed at the January meeting.

F.      ZBA Lawsuit:  The Zoning Board of Appeals lost the lawsuit.  The Court upheld Jim Carey’s decision that the accessory parking lot at Angelico’s should not be allowed in a residential area.  Mr. Carey wrote a letter to Mr. Angelico to cease and desist from using the property at 77 North Main Street for commercial parking.  Mr. Angelico can file an appeal with the ZBA.

G.      Other:  Chairperson Engel reviewed a memo from Jim Carey regarding Angelico’s parking lot lights.  Ms. Weintraub presented a site plan of Angelico’s.  She contacted CL&P and stated that the information in Mr. Carey’s memo is incorrect regarding Pole 2132.  She noted that Angelico’s requested this pole and light and these items are rented from CL&P by Mr. Angelico.  A mechanic from CL&P will go to Angelico’s to install a shield on the light.  There was also a question about the height of the pole.

Mr. Cordeiro noted he received a noise complaint regarding Angelico’s.  Ms. Weintraub also noted that she received phone calls regarding the noise, a fight and a drunken person wandering the neighborhood.  She also asked Mr. Drewry about clearing of town property near a dock near Angelico’s.  Mr. Drewry will check on this. Ms. Weintraub suggested more police presence is needed for the hours around closing time at Angelico’s.  Mr. Drewry noted that he will request more police patrols in that area around closing time.

Mr. Tuttle noted that the Hog Dog Eating Contest was a success.  They raised $6,000 for the fuel bank.  The Belltown Golf Tournament raised approximately $2,500 for the food/fuel bank.

Ms. Weintraub spoke with Gail Hamm regarding Senior Housing.  She received some contacts and will write up her findings and present them to the Housing Authority.

New Business:
Tax Exemption for Farm Buildings:   Chairperson Engel reviewed information from Donna Ralston regarding an ordinance on tax exemptions for farm outbuildings.  The document received is an ordinance from Glastonbury.  This tax exemption would only be available to those farmers who declare that they are farmland and fill out the appropriate property declarations yearly.  A letter was received from the Connecticut Farm Bureau Association urging the Council to vote favorably for the adoption of an ordinance for the tax exemption for farm buildings.  A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to send the proposed ordinance to a public hearing on September 9th.  Voted (7-0).

Special Presentations:
Ordinance Amendments:  Ted Hintz, Chairman of the Board of Finance, reviewed proposed changes to two sections of the Appropriation ordinance and would like to have the changes taken to a public hearing.  The Council asked if the Town Attorney has reviewed the changes.  Mr. Hintz indicated that she has not reviewed them yet.  There was also a question if this was a charter change as well.  It was the consensus of the Council that they would review the proposed changes, have them reviewed by the Town Attorney and then come back together as a Council in September to consider taking the proposed changes to a public hearing.

Remarks from the Chair:  
FOI Conclusion:  The final decision was received regarding the FOI complaint by Mary Ann Dostaler against Ms. Engel and Mr. Cordeiro.  The FOI complaint was dismissed.  The Town paid approximately $6,500 in attorney’s fees for this complaint.

Chairperson Engel noted that Mr. Drewry did apply for the copper sulfate permit.  This permit will be able to be used next year, if needed.  Mr. Drewry left a message for Aquatic Controls to confirm that the strict testing requirements would be able to be adhered to.

Report of Acting Town Manager:
A.      Bevin Dam:  There is still no response from Mr. Bevin or his family regarding the dam.  The lake will need to be lowered in November in order to dredge Hales Pond.  

B.      Streetscape:  The bid results will be discussed later in the meeting.

C.      Main Street Bridge:  Main Street is closed for construction. There is an anticipated October completion date.  The Town has received some complaints from residents on Niles Street due to traffic.

D.      Watrous Street – August 15th Deadline:  The property owners have until August 15th to clean up the property.  The town has also taken the property owner to court for simple trespass based on the survey that was completed.

E.      East High Street Property:  The building was taken down to the foundation.  The debris is being removed.

F.      Other:  Mr. Drewry reported that he received a call back from the State regarding Route 151.  One department will be having a meeting regarding the rest on red and crosswalk.  The other department that handles speed limits and passing zones will be doing their drive by this week and will then have a meeting.

Ms. Weintraub asked about the PILOT program.  She spoke with Judie Bobbi regarding the funds in the Housing Authority’s account.  Ms. Bobbi indicated that CHFA requires a certain dollar amount in their account.  The Council will request Judie Bobbi do a presentation in late September.

Mental Health Board Appointment:   Mr. Drewry recommended Eleanor Wood be reappointed to the Regional Mental Health Board. A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Goff, to reappoint Eleanor Wood to the Regional Mental Health Board.  Voted (7-0).

Liaison Reports:  
A.      EDC Report from Connected to Connecticut:  The June report is included in the Council’s packet.

B.      Water Development Task Force:  Mr. Tuttle reported that the Village Center work is on schedule and within budget.  An appraiser has been retained for research on a piece of property for a future water system.

C.      Boat Parade:  Ms. Engel reminded everyone that the Boat Parade will be held on Saturday, August 16th at 2:00pm.

Ms. Weintraub attended the Housing Authority meeting.  The waiting list includes 18 singles and 2 couples.  Between October, 2007 and July, 2008 there were 10 turnovers.  The wait list is longer than usual and the age of applicants is older than usual.

Mr. Minnick attended the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board meeting.  The Parks & Recreation Board reviewed a parcel near one of the schools for possible field usage.  They will be submitting this to the Council for review.  Also they discussed a semi temporary skate park location near Sears Park’s basketball court.  The advisory board did not vote in favor of this location.  They are in favor of a skate park in town but need funds and a location.

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  None

Resolutions/Ordinances/Policies/Proclamations:  None

Financial Transactions:  None

Tax Refunds:
A.      Tax Refunds:  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $3,859.60. Voted (7-0).

B.      Theater Square Tax Abatement:  Mr. Minnick and Mr. Devine recused themselves from this subject.  Wayne Rand, owner of the Theater Square property provided an overview of the property.  He noted that the assessment deferral helps the tenants by reducing their rent as the tax savings is passed on directly to the tenants.   The assessment deferral would be for a two year period.  Chris Edge of Connected to Connecticut provided a more detailed description of the tax deferral.  The Economic Development Commission is in favor of this tax deferral.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the Theater Square LLC assessment deferral noting that it will be for the usual length of two years.  Voted (5-0).

Bids and Contracts:
A.      Streetscape:  Mr. Drewry reported that four bids were received for the Streetscape project.  Mr. Drewry recommended the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Morais Concrete Services, Inc. of Ludlow, Massachusetts in the amount of $286,420.  Construction will start in October, lasting 5 to 6 months, dependent on the weather. A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to award the Streetscape project to Morais Concrete Services, Inc. of Ludlow, Massachusetts in the amount of $286,420.  Voted (7-0).

Communications and Announcements:   Ms. Weintraub reminded everyone of the Artisans and Farmers Market in Middle Haddam on September 13th and October 11th.

Public Remarks:
Robert Cecilio, 52 North Main Street, noted that he is a 20 year resident and has a great deal of respect for the police as he has family members in the police force in other areas.  He filed a formal complaint against an East Hampton police officer in April, 2007.  He explained the details of his experience of being pulled over by the officer.  He was called in for a meeting with the police office two days after being pulled over.  He felt quite humiliated by the experience.  There was no complaint form available at the time but the officer noted to him that it was a formal complaint.  The information will be passed on to the Police Chief.

Geri Cecilio, 52 North Main Street, expressed concern that the Police Chief did not know of her husband’s complaint against the police officer based on the letter provided by the Chief.

Nelson Maurice, 30 Mallard Cove, noted that the Food Bank has had many requests for school supplies.  He asked if the community could donate school supplies for these children.  The Food Bank is willing to distribute the school supplies.

Kimberley Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, noted that she was glad to hear the report on the skate park from the Parks & Recreation meeting.  It was suggested to her not to attend that meeting.  She is asking for support to utilize a portion of the Center School field for a skate park location.  The skate group will raise funds for paving etc.  This item will be put on the agenda for the August 26th meeting.  The Council members will look at the site prior to the next meeting.  Ms. Fontaine also invited the Council to the BMX/Skate Youth Jam this weekend.

Peter Bergan, Clark Hill Road, thanked the Council for considering the farm building abatement.  

Kim Page, Midwood Farm Road, thanked the Council for considering a permanent skate park.  She noted she is extremely proud of the young people for the way they have treated the park this summer.

Reserved:   None

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Goff, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary